When most children outgrow their pediatrician, it is vital to maintain an annual wellness visit through the teenage years and beyond. Unfortunately, very few teenagers continue these visits, and the bad news is that the number keeps shrinking with an increase in age. Moreover, many Australian teens suffer from anxiety disorders, which only goes to show parents how important it is for teens to see a doctor regularly. This article highlights the important reasons why parents should ensure their children visit a primary care physician at least once a year. 

Transition and Stress

As children transition from childhood to the teenage years, they can feel a little overwhelmed, and many believe that they do not fit the childhood or adolescent category. Therefore, it can be difficult for your teenage child to open up, especially when they change doctors from their pediatrician to a primary care physician. One way parents can help their child build a better relationship with their new doctor is by scheduling regular visits. It will help them feel more comfortable talking about difficult or embarrassing topics. Moreover, it allows the doctor to monitor your child's changes year after year. 

Prevent Misinformation from Peers

Your child is bound to seek advice from their peers. Unfortunately, there is always a lot of misinformation spread in such settings, and the sad truth is that most teens believe such information. Subjects that are affected the most include sex, puberty and drugs. While parents can be a source of accurate information as far as these subjects are concerned, they may not be properly equipped to give information. Teens need someone they can trust to provide accurate information, and doctors are in a great position to offer precisely that. Your teenage child, therefore, needs to know that they can trust their physician as a source of accurate information, but that can only happen if they maintain regular visits to the physician's office. 

Offer Support for Parents

As mentioned earlier, teens are often more open with their peers than with their parents, and that is normal. However, many parents try to force their children to open up. Such an approach only makes matters worse because it drives a wedge between teens and parents. A better approach is to take your child to a doctor they are comfortable talking to. If your child is not comfortable, you should help your teen find a doctor they are comfortable with. It goes a long way towards showing your teen that you respect their independence.

For more information and tips, reach out to a doctor near you.
