There are a number of signs that can mean that you may be in need of podiatric treatment. Here are two such signs.

Your fungal toenail infection is not healing and is starting to affect your quality of life

A fungal toenail infection may seem like a minor, innocuous health issue. However, this type of infection can be very difficult to resolve without medical intervention and can actually have quite a significant impact on your quality of life.

For example, if the infection has resulted in your toenail becoming visibly yellow and crumbly, you may find yourself choosing not to wear sandals and other types of open-toed footwear during periods of hot weather because you feel too self-conscious about the way your nail looks. This could not only make your feet feel unpleasantly warm but could also cause them to perspire. This perspiration can worsen the existing infection (as the fungi that cause this type of infection flourish in moist conditions).

Likewise, if you are choosing not to participate in activities that you enjoy (such as using the local swimming pool or relaxing in a public steam room) because you are worried that you may spread the infection, then it might be time to speak to a podiatrist about this problem.

A podiatrist will be able to provide medication (which may be oral or topical) that will kill the fungus that is causing the infection. Over the course of a few days or weeks, the fungus will die off and the appearance and health of your toenail will begin to improve.

You have had to buy several wider pairs of shoes to accommodate your bunion

Lots of people develop bunions as they age; these bony masses can form anywhere on the feet but appear most often on the sides of the big toes. Whilst some people find them unsightly, small bunions do not necessarily require podiatric treatment. However, if you have a bunion that is so large that it made your normal shoes feel uncomfortable and has resulted in you having to buy multiple wider pairs as a result, then it may be a good idea to have the bunion examined by a podiatrist.

After inspecting the bunion and enquiring about your medical history, your podiatrist may either refer you for bunion removal surgery (if they feel you are a suitable candidate for this type of procedure) or provide you with custom orthotics (these will not eliminate the bunion but will reduce the pain that it causes).
